The ACOS Alliance is launching its first Editor Cohort Training Program, bringing together small groups of editors and news managers based in Sub-Saharan Africa to complete the online course The Fundamentals of Safe Commissioning and receive a tailored training experience. 

We are offering 10 FREE slots to editors, newsroom managers, and senior journalists who are actively commissioning stories and are involved in editorial decision-making processes within their newsrooms. Participants will receive a cohort certificate of completion after the course. 

We strongly encourage editors, newsroom managers, and senior journalists working in a diverse range of underrepresented newsrooms in Sub-Saharan Africa to apply.

 Objectives of the program:

  • To provide access to tailored safety training to editors and newsroom managers
  • To empower editors to adopt and implement best safe commissioning practices and create/improve safety protocols, with a focus on freelancers, and vulnerable and under-resourced journalists
  • To foster a culture of safety within news organizations
  • To foster the creation of editor’s networks who can share experiences and best practices in journalist safety.

The program runs for four weeks starting 3rd August to 31st August 2024 and it includes access to the The Fundamentals of Safe Commissioning self-paced online course, three webinars spread out over one month on Saturdays, and a one-to-one 60 minute advisory after completing the course. 

The minimum time commitment for participating in the cohort is 15 hours over four weeks, distributed in the following ways: 

  • A total of 5 1/2 hours to participate in all the webinars (1 webinar -90 minutes-once a week)
  • Between 5 to 7 hours to complete the self-paced online course (the course can be taken in one go or in stages within the webinars)
  • 4 hours for self-reflection and implementation (within the course)
  • A one-to-one 60 minute advisory (at the end of the course). 

All sessions will take place remotely on Zoom and will be conducted in English.

The ACOS Alliance is keen to evaluate the impact and performance of this program, and participants are expected to provide comprehensive feedback.

Deadline extended to Sunday July 14 @ 11:59pm EAT.

About ACOS Alliance

The ACOS Alliance is a unique global coalition of 150 news organizations, journalist associations and press freedom NGOs working together to champion safe and responsible practice, with a focus on freelance and local journalists. ACOS leverages the expertise and resources of its stakeholders to democratize access to safety expertise and training for under-resourced journalists and newsrooms; raises safety standards through the Freelance Journalist Safety Principles; and advances safety best practice and innovation through cross-industry collaboration and coordination. 

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ACOS Alliance